Geothermal Biodiversity in Geothermal Fields of Kamchatka peninsula. Terrestrial hot springs in Kamchatka with different temperatures (55-90 C) ans acidity (pH 2.0-8.5) were screened for the presence of thermophilic microorganisms responsible for different anaerobic lithotrophic processes: methanogenesis, acetogenesis, sulfur reduction, anaerobic oxidation of CO, more at
Лаборатория геологии геотермальных полей Института вулканологии и сейсмологии ДВО РАН read more at
The Geothermal Eco System. Indeed, there are some specialized microbes that thrive in these hot waters. These microbes are first and foremost affected by these thermal features. These hot environments are necessary for them to live and more at